Universal AR SDK
for React-Three.js

Develop your WebAR content using Zappar’s Universal AR SDK for React, the popular JavaScript library, combined with the 3D rendering platform, Three.js.

Get Universal AR SDK for React-Three.js

React is one of the world’s most popular libraries for building JavaScript applications. Now you and your development team can transfer your knowledge to building WebAR campaigns, combining React, Three.js and Zappar’s leading computer vision APIs.

Download SDK for React-Three.js

Supported platforms

Universal AR for the web supports the following browsers, already installed on billions of
devices worldwide:

Google Chrome

Google Chrome
for Android

Safari on

Safari on
iOS 11.3+

Learn how to use React-Three.js SDK

Check out our extensive range of bootstrap projects, tutorials and documentation to support you developing AR projects using Universal AR for React-Three.js.

Featured projects


Dynamic Lighting

Real-time dynamic lighting animating and reacting with 3D elements in the scene.



Real-time physics example using Cannon, made using Zappar for React Three.js.


Face Tracked 3D Model

Image tracked glTF model animation that plays when a button is tapped.

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