This template is a great starting point for your next virtual or mixed reality project. It uses the 'XR Rig AR User Placement' rig, supporting headsets such as Quest, Magic Leap, and handheld AR on Google Chrome on Android. In each case 'passthrough' mode is enabled, allowing the user to see their real world environment.
With this rig, the user can choose the initial position for their content by pointing their controller, hands or handset at a point on the ground and tapping the controller trigger, pinching their fingers together, or tapping the phone screen. The user can choose to reposition content later in the experience by pressing the A button on their controller. This button binding can be changed from the behavior attached to the 'Right Controller' node.
Be sure to check out the Animations panel as we've included some animation states for when the user is in placement mode (i.e. they're choosing the point in 3D space they'd like the content to appear), and then tracked mode.
Once you've loaded the project, feel free to delete the "Mesh Group (Delete Me)" group and place your own content in "Placed Content Group".
This project includes a default splash page - a 'launch' screen shown to the user when they first land on your page. It's important for both technical and user experience related reasons. You can customize it in the index.html file.
Rendering Engine
Supported Browsers
Google Chrome
Magic Leap 2
Meta Quest
Scripting Language