Text – 3D & 2D Typography

Text – 3D & 2D Typography

Customizable 2D/3D text with extruded, billboarded, and textured styles.

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This template demonstrates how to use various text styles in 3D space. It showcases multiple types of text, including extruded text, billboarded text (that always faces the camera), textured text, and more.

The 3D and 2D text nodes are organised into different groups within the Hierarchy, each with their respective setups. You can easily replace the materials by dragging and dropping any texture from the project folder into the material. If you wish to use any of these text components in your own project, just copy and paste them directly from the Hierarchy.

This project includes a default splash page - a 'launch' screen shown to the user when they first land on your page. It's important for both technical and user experience related reasons. You can customize it in the index.html file.

Rendering Engine


Supported Browsers

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Safari on iOS and MacOS

Scripting Language
