GLTF Animation & Interaction

GLTF Animation & Interaction

Showcase of GLTF models, including animation, materials, and behaviors.

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This projects shows a number of techniques you can use within Mattercraft when working with GLTF files.

These include:

• Attachment points allow you to attach other nodes (e.g. other models, meshes) to a specific named node within the GLTF model. This could be used to to place a bunch of flowers in a character's hand, for instance.
• Animations within the model can be played using the Animation behavior, or by adding the animation to a timeline in the Animations panel.
• Materials within a GLTF file can be overridden by adding Material nodes within the GLTF node in the Hierarchy and setting the 'Attach To' property.
• Morph targets (aka blend shapes) within the model can be set using the Morph Target behavior.
• Custom behaviors let you modify the model from script.

Rendering Engine


Supported Browsers

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Safari on iOS and MacOS

Scripting Language
