This template showcases how to create a custom component in Mattercraft using an object from the Three.js examples. In this case, we create a Reflector component that acts as a mirror, reflecting a dancing robot in the scene.
The custom Reflector component is built using the Reflector object from the three/examples/jsm/objects/Reflector module. It exposes properties such as textureWidth, textureHeight, clipBias, and multisample that can be adjusted to fine-tune the reflector's appearance and performance.
To use the Reflector component in your own projects, simply copy the component file into your project. You can then add the Reflector component to your scene and adjust its properties as needed.
This project includes a default splash page - a 'launch' screen shown to the user when they first land on your page. It's important for both technical and user experience related reasons. You can customize it in the index.html file.
Rendering Engine
Supported Browsers
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Safari on iOS and MacOS
Scripting Language